Visual Access Societies

This page allows you to find local historical and genealogy societies which can be very helpful in your search.  We have also included selected genealogy related websites.

Use the drop-down menu and select:

  • GenHistSocieties for historic and genealogy societies (including Facebook sites),
  • GeneWebPage for websites that focus on genealogy,
  • Facebook for historical and genealogy societies (restricted to only Facebook sites),  Note Facebook pages are temporarily limited to selected states including Ohio, Pennsylvania, Missouri. Minnesota, Kentucky, Maine and country of Ireland,
  • GeneForum for genealogy fourms or,
  • GenSearchfor Searching Specific Collections at sites such as FamilySearch.ORG (Search tip:  In most cases GenSearch are linked to each state capital, try that location first, then try your particular city of interest.)
  •  Online-Resources for all the categories above as well as city/county offices.

Our use of Google maps was not based on street address but rather just City name and State.  As such the physical location is not accurate.  This map cannot be used to find the actual location.